Amanda is an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor
An Evidence Based Birth® Instructor is a birth professional specially trained in how to help families get evidence based care.
I'm currently one of only about 100 Evidence Based Birth® Instructors around the world! I applied to become an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor because I believe that every birthing person deserves a positive, respectful, and safe experience. Sadly this is not a reality for most women, but Amanda is proud to be joining forces with professionals and parents around the world to ensure that things change for the better!
If you want to be empowered with the latest evidence and to take control over your birth OR if you want to help your clients take control over their births, then keep reading to find out what I can offer you.
1.5-Hr Seminar for Birth Pros
I am thrilled to be able to present the Evidence Based Birth® Seminar Series for Orange County area professionals!
At each of our 1.5 hour seminar sessions, we will cover hot topics in the birth field. You’ll get the chance to network with other professionals and earn midwifery, nursing, doula, childbirth educator, and physician contact hours!
Each worth 1.5 contact hours:
• Evidence Based Care
• Due Dates
• Newborn Procedures
• Home Birth Transfers
CEU Info: Seminars are approved for 1.5 Nursing contact hours, which can be applied toward most Childbirth Educator & Doula certifications. Also approved with ACNM, AAFP, & the Midwifery Bridge Certificate.
3-Hr Workshop for Birth Pros
I am excited to bring Savvy Birth Pro Workshops to the Orange County area! The Savvy Birth Pro Workshop (3 contact hours) was developed by Evidence Based Birth® to give you the skills you need to help your clients attain the best possible chance at evidence based care during pregnancy and labor.
After attending the 3-hour Savvy Birth Pro Workshop, you will walk away with confidence in your ability to help your clients assert their right to evidence based care in a respectful way that builds bridges, not walls. We believe that the inspirational knowledge you will gain from the Savvy Birth Pro Workshop will have a positive ripple effect that extends to your clients, the professionals you work with, and your community!
You’re no longer alone in the quest to help more families receive respectful, high quality maternity care! The Savvy Birth Pro Workshop does more than provide great skills; it creates a strong community of connected professionals who together share this important mission.
CEU Info: This workshop is approved for 3 Nursing contact hours, which can be applied toward most Childbirth Educator & Doula certifications. This workshop is also approved for CEUs applied toward the CPM credential.